The Impact Of Tartar On Your Gums

When people think about dental tartar, their minds often go to thoughts of teeth and cavities. While it's true that tartar can be a big threat for teeth and can cause dental decay that can lead to cavities, it's not the only risk that comes with tartar. Tartar is also dangerous for your gums. Here's why it's such a big problem. What Tartar Is Tartar is, simply, a hardened form of plaque. Read More 

4 Benefits of Taking Your Child to a Pediatric Dental Clinic

Proper dental care can remedy and prevent toothaches. General dentists serve patients of all ages, but pediatric dentists specifically cater to children. Here are four benefits of taking your child to a pediatric dental clinic. 1. Preventative Care Pediatric dentists offer preventative care for children of all ages. Kids should visit the dentist biannually starting from the time when their first tooth emerges. During dental appointments, a pediatric dentist will polish your child's teeth, remove away tartar, and floss your child's teeth. Read More 

What Dental Implants Are And The Benefits They Offer People With Missing Teeth

Dental implants are a popular dental treatment option for people missing one or more teeth. They are a much better alternative to traditional dentures, which can slip within the mouth when not fitted properly. If your dentist has suggested that you should undergo a dental implant procedure to replace your missing teeth, you may be curious to learn the basics of implant dentistry. Keep reading to find out what dental implants are and the benefits they can provide. Read More 

Why Visit Cosmetic Dentists As Part Of Your Youthful Makeover?

When you get a makeover for your face to help you feel and look your very best, don't forget about your teeth. Believe it or not, your smile impacts your facial features and how you look overall in many ways. Cosmetic dentists are dental specialists who help their patients feel confident with their smiles, giving them brighter, whiter, more even teeth that are symmetrical and match their patients' facial shapes. Read More 

What To Know About Zirconia Dental Crowns

Are you in need of a dental crown in order to repair one of your teeth, and you are considering a zirconia dental crown? If so, it helps to know more about this type of crown so that you can pick between all your options.  Why Use A Zirconia Crown Many dental patients decide to get a zirconia crown because they have an allergic reaction to metal and cannot put a metal alloy or porcelain-fused-to-metal crown in their mouth. Read More