Situations That Require Emergency Pediatric Dental Care

As a parent, nothing takes a higher priority than the health and well-being of your children. While regular dental checkups are a great way to keep your child's teeth and gums healthy, sometimes unexpected situations demand prompt attention. These include dental emergencies that require immediate medical assistance to alleviate your child's pain and prevent further oral damage. Here are some situations that may require emergency pediatric dental care and what to do when they occur. Read More 

Demystifying Root Canal Treatment: What You Need To Know

Dealing with a toothache can be both painful and concerning. In cases where the tooth's inner pulp becomes infected or inflamed, a root canal treatment can offer relief and preserve your natural tooth. This article aims to demystify the root canal procedure, providing you with essential information to help you understand the process, benefits, and considerations involved. Understanding the Need for a Root Canal A root canal becomes necessary when the inner pulp of a tooth, which contains nerves and blood vessels, becomes infected or damaged due to deep decay, cracks, trauma, or repeated dental procedures. Read More 

How Dental Decay Can Make You Sick And How Your Dentist Can Prevent It

If not identified and treated early on, cavities can progress and compromise your oral health. In addition to compromising your oral health, cavities can lead to certain health problems. It is important to note that while small, early-stage cavities may not be as likely as extensive decay to cause health problems, they should still be treated as soon as possible. Here are some ways dental decay can make you sick and what your dentist can do to prevent it. Read More 

Too Old For Wisdom Tooth Extraction? What You Should Know

People typically elect to have their wisdom teeth removed early in life, such as in their late teens or early twenties. Yet, for many reasons, some people miss this window and progress into their later years with their wisdom teeth intact. Given that the body undergoes several physiological changes between early and late adulthood, some older adults wonder if it is safe or even possible to have their wisdom teeth extracted at this point. Read More 

How Does Botox Help People Adapt To New Dentures?

While dentures immediately restore your smile, you do need some time to adapt to wearing them. If you're replacing all your teeth with dentures, then this is a significant change. Many people suffer from new denture discomfort. However, you can use Botox treatments during this time to make things easier. How can Botox help? Botox Relieves Initial Denture Discomfort Even if your new dentures fit perfectly, they will feel strange at first. Read More