White Spots On Teeth: Causes And Solutions

Many people find white spots on the teeth unattractive. Below are some of the causes and solutions of these white spots. Causes Here are the common causes of white spots on the teeth. Fluorosis Fluorosis is a cosmetic dental problem that arises due to overexposure to fluoride. The fluoride causes some parts of the enamel to be whiter than other parts. Fluorosis typically arises around the time a child's permanent teeth develop. Read More 

How Do Dentists Treat TMJ Pain?

You use your temporomandibular joint every day. This joint allows you to open and close your mouth so you can chew, yawn, and speak. Unfortunately, some people develop TMJ disorders. These disorders can cause pain and stiffness that worsen over time. If you have jaw pain that doesn't seem to be resolving on its own, you should make an appointment with your dentist. Here are three things a dentist will do when you visit their office with a suspected TMJ disorder: Read More 

Is Novocaine Necessary For Dental Fillings?

Novocaine is a powerful way to control any discomfort that a person in the dentist's chair might feel. But, not everyone wants to use Novocaine. Whether you have a medical issue that prevents you from being able to use Novocaine or you simply don't want unnecessary medication, you may be pleased to know that not all fillings need Novocaine. Here's what determines if you do. Pain Sensors The first thing to understand is that teeth sense pain a little differently than the rest of the body. Read More 

The Basics Of A Root Canal

When you smile, you see only the top layer of your teeth. In fact, most people don't realize that your teeth are composed of three main layers: the enamel (the part you see), the dentin, and the root. When you brush your teeth, you aren't just protecting your enamel from cavities, but you are protecting the entire tooth. Sometimes when a cavity is so deep, an infection can enter into the pulp of the tooth which can lead to a variety of problems. Read More