4 Benefits of Taking Your Child to a Pediatric Dental Clinic

Proper dental care can remedy and prevent toothaches. General dentists serve patients of all ages, but pediatric dentists specifically cater to children. Here are four benefits of taking your child to a pediatric dental clinic.

1. Preventative Care

Pediatric dentists offer preventative care for children of all ages. Kids should visit the dentist biannually starting from the time when their first tooth emerges. During dental appointments, a pediatric dentist will polish your child's teeth, remove away tartar, and floss your child's teeth. They can also instruct your child on the proper brushing and flossing techniques.

Pediatric dentists can also offer dental treatments specifically for children. In-office fluoride treatments can protect and harden your child's tooth enamel, which can protect their teeth from cavities. Dental sealants have a similar protective effect. A pediatric dentist can suggest procedures and treatments that can help your child's teeth stay healthy.

2. Attentive Care

Children are often more fearful than adults when it comes to visiting the dentist's office. Pediatric dentists are trained to treat children, so they can anticipate kids' needs. When you take your child to a pediatric dental clinic, you can expect to encounter a warm, welcoming environment. Dentists and their staff will patiently explain dental procedures to your child step-by-step. Many pediatric dental clinics also have stuffed animals and other pleasant distractions that can keep kids comfortable during their dental appointment. Some children find listening to music or hugging a soft toy soothing.

3. Orthodontic Advice and Treatment

Many parents seek orthodontic treatment for their children. Orthodontic treatment can correct crooked teeth and overbites. A child's early teen years are an ideal time to begin orthodontic treatment. During this time, all of your child's permanent teeth will have grown in. However, your child's bones are still growing, which means orthodontic treatment can be even more effective. Some pediatric dentists can offer in-office orthodontic treatment but other times the dentist will evaluate their teeth and refer them to an orthodontist.

4. Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth often begin emerging in adolescence. These teeth must be closely monitored to prevent interference with the surrounding teeth. Impacted wisdom teeth can cause crowding and even tooth breakage. If your child's dentist believes that wisdom teeth removal is in your child's best interest, they can offer dental extraction services. Dental extractions can be performed using local anesthesia or general anesthesia. To learn more, visit a dental clinic near you.
