What Dental Implants Are And The Benefits They Offer People With Missing Teeth

Dental implants are a popular dental treatment option for people missing one or more teeth. They are a much better alternative to traditional dentures, which can slip within the mouth when not fitted properly.

If your dentist has suggested that you should undergo a dental implant procedure to replace your missing teeth, you may be curious to learn the basics of implant dentistry. Keep reading to find out what dental implants are and the benefits they can provide.

What Are Dental Implants?

Your tooth has "roots" that hold them in place. When you lose a tooth either due to trauma or extraction, the entire tooth including the root of the tooth is lost. 

Dental implants are essentially artificial replacements for missing tooth roots. They are screw-like metal posts — typically made of titanium — that are surgically inserted into your jaw bone to provide a strong foundation for your artificial teeth.

What Are the Benefits of Treatment With Dental Implants?

Opting for implant-supported dentures brings many benefits over traditional dentures. Some of the notable advantages you can expect to see include the following:

They keep the jawbone healthy.

Tooth roots are naturally integrated with the gums and jawbone. When a tooth and its root are removed from the mouth, the bone structure loses function and starts to deteriorate over time. This process of bone deterioration is known as bone resorption.

Because dental implants are anchored directly into the jawbone, they integrate with the jawbone over time. This helps to keep the bone intact, thus reducing the risk of jawbone loss.

They provide a natural look and feel.

Since they're fused with your jawbone, implant-supported dentures will remain permanently attached to your mouth. This gives you a natural look and feel that can't be matched when wearing conventional dentures, which can slip within your mouth at any time. This ensures easier eating, improved speech, increased comfort, and better aesthetics.

They are easier to maintain compared to conventional dentures.

Implant-supported dentures eliminate the need to remove your dentures for routine cleaning, as well as the need for the messy adhesives required to keep them in place. With proper care, dental implants can last for many years.

While implant-supported dentures offer many great advantages over conventional ones, they may not be for everyone. To find out whether you're a potential candidate for dental implants, consult your dentist. They will assess your oral and overall health and let you know whether it's right for you.
