Invisalign Braces During or After Orthodontic Treatment

Can you choose Invisalign braces if you've already had orthodontic treatment? If this isn't your first experience with orthodonture, take a look at what you need to know about these invisible or clear aligners.

Clear Aligners and Braces

You already have the traditional metal bracket and wire type of braces. But now you want to try clear aligners. Can you swap one type of device for the other mid-treatment?

There isn't one universal answer to this question. While you can't use aligners with metal braces at the same time, it's possible you can switch one for the other. You can trade clunky metal braces for a clear aligner tray depending on your orthodontic needs, existing progress, and the professional's opinion.

The orthodontist will help you to understand which option is the best choice for your individual dental needs and explain why you can (or can't) make the switch. Even though clear aligners aren't the right treatment for every orthodontic patient, you should always bring concerns to your orthodontist. From there, you can create a plan that fits your dental needs. 

Clear Aligners After Braces

Have you already completed your orthodontic treatment? Your teeth can shift or move slightly afterward. Several factors may affect your teeth and cause movement. These include growth (jaw growth or a change in shape as you age), gum disease, teeth grinding, pressure from chewing, or pressure from talking.

Some degree of shifting is normal for many patients. But if the movement is obvious or you feel you've lost the benefits of braces, you need to talk to your orthodontist about the next step. Clear aligners can correct this type of issue and straighten your smile—again.

If you've already had braces and your teeth have shifted, the aligner process is similar to what someone who is starting orthodontics might experience. The orthodontist will examine your teeth and bite to determine the best course of treatment.

While both types of orthodontic options (braces and trays) can have the same results, you may find that invisible aligners are a more aesthetically appealing choice. Unlike the metal brackets and wires, clear aligners can straighten your teeth without changing your appearance significantly.

Along with aesthetic or appearance-related issues, aligners are removable for short periods of time—making it possible to eat, drink, play sports, or give an important presentation. This may make your second orthodontic attempt easier to manage with invisible aligner trays.

For more information, contact clinics that offer Invisalign braces. 
