Situations That Require Emergency Pediatric Dental Care

As a parent, nothing takes a higher priority than the health and well-being of your children. While regular dental checkups are a great way to keep your child's teeth and gums healthy, sometimes unexpected situations demand prompt attention. These include dental emergencies that require immediate medical assistance to alleviate your child's pain and prevent further oral damage. Here are some situations that may require emergency pediatric dental care and what to do when they occur.

Knocked-Out Tooth

A knocked-out tooth is one of the most common dental emergency situations. If your child loses their tooth, keep calm and locate it. Do not touch the root of the tooth; instead, pick it up by the crown and avoid wiping or cleaning it. Keep the tooth wet by placing it in milk or saline solution until you reach professional help. Seeking emergency treatment promptly from a pediatric dentist can help save the tooth and ensure that there is no damage to the surrounding teeth.

Broken or Chipped Teeth

Broken or chipped teeth can lead to pain or sensitivity and should be evaluated by a dentist right away. To alleviate swelling, gently rinse your child's mouth with water and apply a cold compress to the affected area. This simple remedy can help alleviate discomfort and promote healing. Avoid giving the child any painkillers or applying heat to the affected area. A pediatric dentist can determine the extent of the damage and administer appropriate treatment options such as filling, bonding, or veneers.

Severe Toothache

A sudden and severe toothache can be unbearable for children, but it is a common dental emergency. To mitigate discomfort, gently rinse your child's mouth with water and apply a cold compress to the affected cheek. Over-the-counter pain relievers may also be given in age-appropriate doses. Book an immediate appointment with your pediatric dentist. Severe toothaches could indicate nerve damage or infection, which could worsen if left untreated.

Damaged Braces and Orthodontic Appliances

While braces and orthodontic appliances are designed to be sturdy, they can sometimes become damaged, displaced, or uncomfortable. If your child experiences any issues with their braces or appliances, such as broken wires or brackets, it is essential to seek emergency dental care promptly. This will help to mitigate any discomfort, and your pediatric dentist will repair the damaged piece and ensure the fit is still ideal.

Object Lodged in Teeth

Kids love exploring the world around them, but sometimes, this curiosity can lead to dental emergencies when objects become lodged in their teeth. This can cause discomfort, pain, or even infection if left untreated. Do not attempt to remove the object with a tool or toothpick, as it can potentially worsen the situation. Visit your pediatric dentist, who can safely remove the object without causing further damage.

For more info, contact a local 24/7 emergency pediatric dentist
