Benefits Of A Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is the best way to save a damaged tooth. So, if you don't want to lose a problematic or broken tooth, you should consider root canal treatment. Amazingly, root canal treatment has plenty of benefits, as discussed below.

Stop the Neighboring Teeth From Becoming Infected

Tooth decay can quickly spread to adjacent teeth. The infected pulp has plenty of bacteria that can easily spread to the neighboring teeth. Once these bacteria migrate to the adjacent teeth, they will cause cavities. To avoid such scenarios, you should get a root canal. 

The procedure involves removing the infected pulp. And as long as the infected pulp gets extracted, the bacteria will no longer increase or spread to other areas.

Save Your Tooth 

There is a notion that problematic teeth should be extracted. Most people who have tooth decay or toothaches prefer to get dental extractions. But where does that leave you? Missing teeth might change your facial appearance. Besides, you might have difficulty chewing food with multiple missing teeth.

To avoid such problems, you should get a root canal treatment. This form of therapy focuses on stopping the infection and restoring the tooth.

Prevent Bone Loss

Do you know that dental extractions are the leading cause of jawbone degeneration? And once the jawbone starts to degenerate, you'll suffer the following consequences:

  • Limited lip support
  • Collapsed facial profile
  • Distorted facial features
  • The remaining teeth might drift or loosen up
  • Skin wrinkles around your mouth

With all these cons, you should refrain from getting tooth extractions. Get a root canal instead because it will save the infected or problematic teeth. The goal is to avoid tooth extractions at all costs.

It's Painless

Dental procedures have become virtually painless. The dentist always administers local anesthesia before beginning any dental procedure. Luckily, things are no different with root canal treatment. The dentist will ensure the procedure is virtually painless. What's better, you won't experience any pain even after the numbness wears off. 

It's Cost Effective

Getting a root canal can help you save money. And since the procedure is meant to help save your teeth, you'll never spend funds on dental implants, dentures, or bridges. Besides, a root canal is an endodontic treatment covered by most dental insurance plans. This means you'll have minimal out-of-pocket expenses. Unfortunately, the same can't be said when dealing with dental extractions. So, if you're looking for an affordable way to solve dental problems, consider root canal therapy.
