Essential Things You Should Know About Dental Bonding

One general dentistry service you may consider if you have stained or damaged teeth is dental bonding. This treatment is a cosmetic procedure that covers up or repairs any undesirable cosmetic problems with your smile, giving you improved oral health along with cosmetic and functional benefits. 

Besides, cosmetic bonding is more affordable than other forms of restorations, and provided you work with a seasoned dentist, your gorgeous smile will be restored in no time. This piece will share several things you should know about dental bonding restoration.

It Fixes Different Forms of Dental Imperfections

Dentists use cosmetic bonding to fix a wide range of dental imperfections. For instance, you can rely on the procedure to repair cracked or chipped teeth, close space between teeth, transform severely discolored teeth, improve decayed teeth, and protect the surface of your teeth. Once the dentist assesses your condition, they'll determine if cosmetic bonding is the most suitable way to fix your dental imperfection.

It Protects Teeth and Improves Oral Health

Today, most general dentists you'll find prefer fixing oral health issues through dental bonding. Once a tooth is damaged, it can easily get infected, and if left untreated for long, the symptoms worsen. Bonding helps restore the damaged tooth and covers the enamel to minimize the risk of weakening the enamel or developing cavities.

Note that dental bonding isn't as sturdy as natural tooth enamel, so you will need to exercise caution. Wear a mouthguard whenever you play sports, use a nightguard if you grind teeth, and avoid biting or chewing hard foods to ensure your dental bonding lasts for many years.

It Is an Affordable Procedure

If you compare the rates for other general dentistry procedures with dental bonding prices, you will realize that bonding is more affordable. The cost varies from one dental clinic to another, and it'll depend on how many teeth need bonding. If finances are still a concern, you can ask your dentist about their payment options. 

It Is Non-Invasive and Painless

Most dental patients assume that all cosmetic procedures are invasive and painful, but dental bonding differs. Before starting the treatment, the dentist assesses your dental issue and decides if cosmetic bonding is the best treatment. Then, they prepare and pick the right shade that matches your teeth. 

The tooth surface is then roughened, making it easy for the material to bond with the tooth before applying a conditioning liquid. They apply the composite resin and mold it to the required shape before hardening it with blue light. Lastly, they trim the teeth to remove the extra resin and polish it, so it resembles the rest.

For more information on general dentistry services such as dental bonding, contact a dentist in your area.
