Tips For Taking Care Of Your Baby’s Teeth

Your baby's teeth need a lot of care. Taking care of your baby's teeth helps their teeth to grow in a healthy way so that you can avoid infant tooth decay. Your baby's teeth may come in as early as 3 months or as late as 10 months. As soon as you see your baby's teeth emerging it is time to take action to start taking care of them. Here are some tips for keeping your baby's teeth healthy. 


Sometimes teething is painful for babies, and in order to relieve this, you can rub a cool rag to rub your baby's gums. You can also massage your baby's gums to provide relief. Once teeth start appearing make sure that you use a soft-bristle toothbrush to clean them. Don't use toothpaste on the brush. Just wetting the brush is good enough.

Some children do not like toothbrushes when they are very small. If this is the case, continue using a wet rag to clean off your child's emerging baby teeth for as long as feasible.

Take Your Child to the Dentist

Once a child has reached a certain age, it's time to take them to the dentist. That first dental visit is extremely important because it can significantly help reduce lifelong dental anxiety in your child.

You should take your child to the dentist once their first tooth makes an appearance. However, this is not always possible, so it is often recommended that you at least take them before or on their first birthday.

Choose the Right Toothbrush

Choosing a toothbrush for your child ensures that you select a toothbrush with the correct head size. Children's mouths are tiny and you need to ensure that the head of a toothbrush can fit snugly into their mouth. The head of the brush should allow your child to easily clean their front, top, and back teeth. 

The type of bristle that is used to make a toothbrush is extremely important. Your child's first toothbrush and be extremely soft. There are also two main types of shapes for bristles. You can choose a rounded bristle toothbrush for your child. There are many different brands of toothbrushes on the market. Ask your dentist which toothbrush they would recommend for your child just to be on the safe side.

Taking care of your child's teeth is extremely important. It is important to teach them good dental hygiene very early so that as they grow they will have healthy teeth. 

For more information on family dentistry, contact a dentist near you.
