Six Things You Need To Do When You First Begin Invisalign Treatment

There are some things that it's important you do when you begin Invisalign treatment to maximize your chances of success.

It takes some time and effort to adjust to Invisalign treatment. However, you can adjust as smoothly as possible and ensure continued oral health throughout your treatment period by starting out prepared. The following are six things you need to do when you first begin Invisalign treatment to ensure that things go well. 

Create a schedule

Oral hygiene is always important. However, it's especially important when you're using aligners to straighten your teeth.

Plaque can build up more quickly on your teeth when you're using aligners, so make sure you are brushing your teeth after eating before you put your aligners back in. Also, make sure you're flossing every day to prevent food particle buildup in your teeth. 

Commit to the treatment

It's very satisfying to enjoy a flawless smile after aligner treatment is complete. However, it takes time to get through the treatment. Also, treatment won't be successful if you're not keeping your aligners in enough.

That's why it's so important to commit to the treatment from the beginning and stick to your treatment over time. 

Make sure you understand aligner changes

You'll periodically need to change your aligners throughout treatment so that your teeth move into the correct position. You need to understand aligner changes and know when they should occur for successful treatment.

Make sure you discuss aligner changes with your dentist and ask any questions you might have. Understanding the treatment procedure is essential for treatment success. 

Set reminders for taking care of your teeth and aligners

Simply setting a schedule might not be enough to keep up with your maintenance regime. You might want to also set reminders on your phone to mark when you need to clean your aligners.

This way, you know you can't overlook important maintenance tasks that keep your aligners in the best possible shape and help you to avoid any discomfort. 

Plan your appointments in advance

Maintaining your oral health and your aligner condition alone isn't enough for successful treatment. You also need to be periodically check in with your dentist to ensure that treatment is progressing and make any necessary changes to your aligners and treatment schedule.

It's a good idea to plan your appointments out in advance when you first begin treatment. This will help ensure that you keep up with the necessary appointments and keep treatment on schedule. 

Discuss any discomfort with your dentist

You might feel some discomfort when you begin treatment. It's important to discuss discomfort with your dentist. Your dentist can recommend solutions. Relieving discomfort will keep you happier throughout treatment and stop you from feeling discouraged before treatment is complete. 

If you are interested in starting Invisalign treatment, contact your local dentist.
