3 Reasons To Consider Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are thin caps that are placed over existing teeth. The existing teeth may be shaved down or shaped before a porcelain veneer is placed over the tooth, and more than one tooth can be treated with this type of cosmetic procedure. Here are two reasons to consider dental veneers that are worth discussing with your dentist.

Your teeth look more even

Veneers can be an alternative to braces if you have minor tooth corrections or you need to have your smile look more even in general. Your dental veneers can be placed on bottom teeth to make them look more even and straight if they've been crowded due to age or other reasons, and veneers can cover the top front teeth to make your smile look more appealing as well.

If you have had braces but your teeth have done some shifting after having them removed or your teeth have become ridged and uneven due to normal wear, veneers can be beneficial here as well. Speak to your dentist to see if veneers can give you the straighter, more even smile you desire.

Your teeth can look more adult

Having small adult teeth is known at microdontia and is often caused by genetics or a medical condition. In this case, your teeth look smaller than surrounding teeth — commonly affected are the teeth next to the top front teeth — and your smile looks uneven and childlike as a result. Having one or more teeth with this condition can affect your teeth and gums and create gaps in your smile.

Having porcelain veneers placed over your teeth will help make your small adult teeth look the same size as the rest of your teeth or more appropriately sized to what the tooth should naturally look like. Depending on how severe your condition is, you may have more than one tooth capped to give you the results you want.

Your teeth can become stronger

If you have worn teeth due to worn-out tooth enamel, having porcelain veneers placed over affected teeth can help strengthen them and make them stronger. If your teeth have been weakened due to loss of tooth enamel, then consider having dental veneers placed over all your teeth to add an extra layer of protection.

Strong teeth are less likely to crack, and your dentist may recommend coating your entire smile in porcelain veneers to improve the overall health and appearance of your teeth in general. Costs vary for this procedure depending on what you need veneers for, among other factors.
