How Dental Implants Protect the Gum Health of Those Who Lose a Tooth

Gum health is a complex situation that many people may not fully understand. Unfortunately, this lack of knowledge can impact a person after they lose a tooth in their mouth. Tooth loss opens up their risk for various types of infections and gum diseases, which is what makes a high-quality dental implant such an important step for those in this situation to consider.

Tooth Loss Can Affect Quality of Life

When a person loses a tooth for any reason, they may not worry too much about the side effects. However, the idea that there aren't problematic issues with tooth loss is a misconception that may cause many problems in a person's life. For example, a lost tooth may impact their jaw health and cause a variety of dental damage that can impact their teeth, their gums, and even the pulp of their teeth. The gums can be particularly damaged in this situation because one less tooth means more open gums. And since gums are often harder to brush than teeth – and may breed more bacteria – there's a good chance that a person with a lost tooth may suffer from more gum-related problems. And bacteria on the gums may work its way into the pulp of a tooth and cause severe infections that can be managed via the help of dental implants.

Why Dental Implants are the Best Choice

Dental implants are a powerful, protective tool for those with tooth-loss-related gum health issues. These items are inserted directly into the spot where the tooth is missing and are crafted based on the shape and size of the original tooth. When properly inserted, they take the place of a normal tooth with ease and produce a strong and protective surface that will last for years without wearing down. Just as importantly, it fills the gum where the missing tooth was, helping to prevent the spread of gum-related diseases. Some companies, like Maple Springs Dental, know that since a dental implant also helps to enhance the structure and shape of the jaw, it can also prevent bone loss and misshapen jaws. In this way, it is possible for a person to avoid complications with their gum and tooth health and stay healthy for years to come after the implant.

And if the dentist states that the implant is medically necessary for a person's health, insurance should cover every element of its installation cost. However, this factor can vary based on many different factors, such as the state of a person's dental health and other factors that can be unpredictable.
