3 Reasons Dental Implants Are Superior To Dentures

Tooth loss presents you with a large range of challenges. You need to make sure that you are taking care of your oral health while also balancing your need to replace the affected teeth. Another concern may be what your smile will look like after you suffer from tooth loss. Your dentist will be able to work with you and help you to understand your best options. Two common treatments for tooth loss are dentures and dental implants. While they both help to replace lost teeth, dental implants may be a better choice for you. Here are three reasons that dental implants are superior to dentures.

Dental implants combat jaw bone loss.

One of the unfortunate realities of tooth loss is that it is often accompanied by bone loss in the jaw bone. The jaw bone regenerates itself when it receives mechanical signals from pressure on the teeth. After significant tooth loss, the process of regenerating the jaw bone cells is interrupted because the signal is lost. Dental implants are replacements for affected teeth. The mechanical stressors of chewing and talking on the dental implants allow the jaw bone to continue to regenerate. This is not possible with dentures because they do not facilitate the same signaling process with the jaw bone.

Implants are permanent.

Dental implants are replacements for lost teeth. Dentures only provide an approximation of lost teeth. You do not need to remove your dental implants or apply adhesives. They are placed into your jaw and will not move or slip when you are eating, drinking, or speaking. Dental implant care is simple to follow. You should continue to brush and floss at least twice a day to keep your oral tissues healthy. Your dentist will let you know the best soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste to use.

Dental implants are virtually identical to natural teeth.

Dentures can give the appearance of natural teeth, but dental implants provide a more convincing presentation. No one will know that you have suffered from tooth loss if you decide to use dental implants. Dental implants are individualized to fit into your mouth and to look and act exactly like your natural teeth. Dental implants are resistant to staining, so you will not have to worry about discoloration as a result of drinking wine or coffee or taking prescription medication. Additionally, dental implants are less likely to need to be replaced than dentures.
