Top Reasons to Visit a Dentist for Checkups

A routine dental visit takes around an hour or less, and dentists recommend going for two visits a year. If you add this up, it will cost you two hours of time (plus travel time) to maintain your teeth through dental screenings. That's not a lot of time, yet going to the dentist for regular visits provides many benefits. Here are the top reasons you should prioritize routine dental visits.

They Remove Your Plaque

One of the top benefits you receive through regular dental visits is plaque removal. A hygienist or dentist removes the plaque from your teeth, and this is a process that only a professional can complete. You can remove most of the plaque through brushing and flossing, but it is almost impossible to remove all of it. Keeping the plaque off your teeth protects them and decreases the risk of cavities and other oral issues. If you want healthier teeth, visit a dentist for cleanings twice a year.

They Take X-Rays

Have you ever tried to look inside your mouth to see all your teeth? If so, is this easy to do or hard? It is difficult for a person to see every part of the mouth by looking in a mirror. It is also hard for a dentist to see every part of your mouth by looking inside. Fortunately, dentists take x-rays to get a closer, deeper look at your teeth. X-rays also show your bones and other internal parts of your mouth. When a dentist takes and evaluates x-rays, he or she will see much more than the human eye can see. The result is that the dentist can spot problems before you know that they are present. If the dentist finds small issues, he or she can fix them before they develop into large situations.

They Offer Additional Screenings

Finally, your dentist will screen you in several other ways during your visits. One screening is an oral cancer screening. Another is gum disease screening. When a professional dentist screens you for these things, they can spot problems at the early stages. The benefit is that they can provide treatment options for minor problems. Treating minor problems is less traumatic and less expensive.

Would you like healthier teeth? When did you last see a dentist for a checkup and cleaning? If you have not visited a dentist within six months, now is the time to schedule an appointment.
