Weird Things You Should Talk To Your Dentist About

You know you should see your dentist about the common dental health issues that arise, such as a sore tooth, gum sensitivity, and other dental woes, but there are strange things you should bring up to your dentist as well. Whether you have a new oral health concern you've never noticed before or you have an ongoing issue you cannot control, visit a dentist's office so you can get your condition looked at.

Here are just a few of the weird things you should talk to your dentist about. If you have any history of gum disease, oral cancer, and other medical issues, speak to your dentist about them at your next appointment.

A hairy tongue

If your tongue looks like it has a coating of white or gray hairs on it, then you should talk to your dentist about this condition, particularly if your hairy tongue is accompanied by bad breath or other oral hygiene concerns. While a hairy tongue can be caused by many things, including the use of antibiotics, it can also be a sign of poor oral health; your dentist can prescribe the use of a tongue scraper or a special mouthwash to help clear up your hairy tongue situation. Around 13% of people have this condition at some point in their lives and it's usually not dangerous but is treatable.

Ample canker sores

If you have recurring canker sores that hurt or make it hard to eat or speak, then bring up this mouth sore condition to your dentist. While the average canker sore will clear up on its own, you may have a condition called herpetiform canker sores if you're getting them in cluster form. This condition is not contagious but can be irritating, and after getting an all-clear from your dentist, you can be given an oral treatment that can help reduce the pain and irritation from this type of canker sore.

Keep canker sore areas clean by rinsing your mouth with mild salt water after every meal. Avoid brushing a canker sore with a toothbrush to keep the area from becoming more tender. If you have a fever or oozing from the canker sore, seek medical care right away.

Discolored gums

Are your gums turning a purple or black color? Are your gums a healthy pink or light red in some areas, but discolored in others? If your gums are in need of periodontal treatment, they can darken with infection and inflammation. Even if they don't hurt, bring this condition to the attention of your dentist, who can give you an exam to rule or out diagnose periodontal disease or other serious oral health conditions.

For more information, contact a dentist.
