How Braces Can Help Prevent Illness

Most people see their orthodontists to learn how braces can help straighten their teeth or improve an abnormal bite. While these are the most common benefits of braces, there are other benefits that you may not be aware of. Here are some general health benefits of braces to talk to your orthodontist about. 

Lower Risk For Periodontal Disease

If your teeth are crowded or if they overlap, you may be unable to effectively brush and floss them. Because of this, plaque and tartar may accumulate between your teeth, raising your risk for periodontal diseases such as periodontitis. This disease is typically caused by a bacterial infection and, if not recognized and treated quickly, can damage your gum tissue, jawbone, and even the roots of your teeth.

Severe periodontal disease may result in loose teeth or even tooth loss. Braces can treat overcrowding of your teeth so that they are properly aligned, which will dramatically lower your risk for periodontal disease. It is important to note, that while orthodontic treatment can help lower your risk for periodontal disease, you still need to maintain good oral hygiene and see your dentist on a regular basis for examinations and teeth cleanings. 

Symptomatic Relief From TMJ

If your bite is misaligned, which is also called a malocclusion, then you may have TMJ, which may worsen. TMJ can cause jaw pain, headaches, pain when you open and close your mouth, clicking sounds of the jaw when talking, eating, or opening your mouth, and neck pain. After your orthodontic treatment, your bite will be aligned, which will result in less strain on your jaw and surrounding muscles.

While a malocclusion is a common cause of TMJ, it can also be caused by arthritis, grinding your teeth, or a jaw injury. While you await the completion of your orthodontic treatment so that you can achieve permanent relief from your TMJ symptoms caused by your malocclusion, there are pain relief treatments you can try. These include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, applying warm compresses to the affected painful areas, seeking treatment for your tooth grinding, managing your stress, and getting enough sleep. 

If you want to know more about how braces can reduce your risk for periodontal disease or improve your symptoms of TMJ, make an appointment with your orthodontist. He or she will perform a comprehensive examination and recommend an appropriate treatment plan based on both your dental health and overall general health. Visit an orthodontist near you like one at Reed & Sahlaney Orthodontics, LLP for more information. 
