Considering a Dental Implant? 3 Questions You’ll Have About the Procedure

Have a missing tooth that's been bothering you for quite some time? You may have considered a dental implant to fill in the gap. Here are a few questions many people have about dental implants, which can help you be informed about the procedure before you make a final decision on what to do.

Is A Dental Implant Permanent? 

The process of getting a dental implant involves placing a titanium post into your jawbone that integrates with the bone, otherwise known as osseointegration. The goal is that the post and the bone become a solid piece, just like the natural root of a tooth. Once osseointegration happens, you will not be able to remove the post unless you have it surgically removed. This is great news because you need that stability for a dental implant to work.

Why Not Leave The Gap?

There are several problems that happen when you do not replace a missing tooth. At the most basic level, teeth can drift in order to fill the gap, which causes problems with the alignment of your teeth and how they look. There is also a risk of jawbone deterioration since the jaw requires natural stimulation from chewing to keep it healthy. An implant can prevent your jawbone from becoming weak and keep your teeth looking great. 

How Long Does the Process Take To Get An Implant?

The entire process of getting a dental implant can be quite extensive, with it requiring several visits to your dentist to get the job done. It all starts with an initial consultation to have x-rays taken of your jaw to determine if you are a good candidate. Some people may need a bone graft done to strengthen that part of the jaw so that it can hold a dental implant. If so, you'll need to come back for the gone graft procedure and a check-up to verify that it healed properly.

The implant procedure itself will be done on a different visit, which requires placing the titanium post into the jawbone. You'll receive a temporary crown to put on the post before you leave, knowing that the post hasn't fully healed yet. After several months and the post becomes more stable, you'll return to the dentist to have the permanent crown placed on the post. 

Reach out to your dentist if you have any questions regarding the process to get a dental implant. 
