Reasons To See An Orthodontist

Individuals who are unhappy with the alignment of their teeth can see an orthodontist to have the issues they're dealing with corrected. There are numerous reasons that a person may wish to visit an orthodontist.

Teeth Are Overcrowded and Crooked

If you or your child have teeth that are cramped together in your mouth, it can be difficult to take care of them. Brushing and flossing properly can be quite difficult, and over time, this can lead to tooth decay. An orthodontist can evaluate the situation and help to straighten teeth, space them correctly, and provide enough room in the mouth to reach all teeth to clean accurately. 

Gaps Between Teeth

In other situations, there can be large distances between the teeth in one or more locations in the mouth. Gaps between teeth can cause food to get lodged or lead to other discomforts. In addition, gaps in one area of the mouth can lead to crowding in other areas. An orthodontist can work with you to develop a treatment plan for the entire mouth so that you end up with nicely aligned, evenly spaced teeth.

Misaligned Teeth

As teeth come in, there may not be enough room for them to align themselves correctly. This can lead to teeth doubling in the mouth, one in front of the other, or to teeth coming in twisted or diagonally. These types of issues can make it very difficult to take care of the teeth correctly and can lead to tooth decay. 

Boost Self Esteem

Individuals who struggle with crooked teeth or teeth that are too closely spaced may have self-esteem issues. This can also be true if a person has one or more gaps between their teeth, especially if they were teased as a child. An orthodontist can help straighten the teeth and make sure that they're correctly aligned along the jaw, leading to a more conventionally attractive appearance. Many people find that this, in turn, boosts their self-esteem and helps them to feel more comfortable with their own appearance. 

Teenagers and adults can see an orthodontist for a full evaluation and begin a treatment plan. While it may take a bit of time to complete treatment, the sooner you begin, the sooner you'll be able to have the straight, even teeth you've always wanted. Reach out to a local orthodontist to learn more about the services they offer and how they can assist you.
