5 Questions About Teeth Whitening In A Cosmetic Dental Office

Are you unhappy with the color of your teeth? If so, you're likely considering teeth whitening as a way to fix this problem. Here are some common questions you'll have about the teeth whitening process before you decide to move forward.

Do You Need To Qualify For Teeth Whitening?

Your dentist will want to make sure you're a good candidate to receive teeth whitening by performing a general inspection. They'll be looking for problems with gingivitis, receding gums, and thin dentin and enamel. If so, they may recommend a different type of cosmetic procedure to fix the color of your teeth, like dental veneers. 

Does Teeth Whitening Hurt?

The actual procedure of having your teeth professionally whitened is not going to cause you any pain. It is typically done in the dentist's office by carefully using a peroxide solution that needs to be applied directly to the teeth. There can be irritation if it touches the gums, but a good cosmetic dentist will be careful about how the peroxide solution is applied. 

However, teeth whitening can cause sensitivity in the days following the procedure. You may notice that your teeth are more sensitive to cold and hot temperatures, which can happen from sipping hot coffee or eating ice cream. The sensation will eventually go away after a few days.

Will The Results Be Instant?

One of the nice things about using a whitening treatment at a dental office is that you will see the results immediately. If you are not happy with the color and want to make your teeth a shade whiter, you can do so. You'll leave the dental office with results that you will be proud of.

Does Teeth Whitening Last A Long Time?

Teeth whitening is not permanent, but the length that it lasts will depend on what kind of oral health habits you have. Drinking dark liquids and foods, smoking, and not brushing regularly can all contribute to your teeth becoming discolored quickly. You can always return to your cosmetic dentist to have your teeth touched up, but you may not find it necessary for many years. 

Will Whitening Fix Discolorations Caused From Tooth Damage?

Be aware that any tooth that is discolored from becoming damaged will not be easy for cosmetic dentists to fix with whitening alone. A cosmetic dentist may offer an alternative solution for that specific tooth, such as using dental veneers or a crown to cover the damage.

Reach out to a dentist office like Pinon Hills Dental to learn more about teeth whitening.
